
8th June

Up at 8 and checked on the bus from Wasilla to Anchorage – difficult to get the info online so we did a re-calculation and changed plans – load the car, drive everything to Spenard Hostel and then Murray drops the car off at the airport and cycles the 2 miles back to the Hostel.

Cleaned up the things we had used at Colleen’s, loaded up and drove out of Wasilla. On the way we managed to get all M’s photos transferred on to a CD-ROM, so I’ll be able to take them home. On the way to Anchorage I finally saw some moose – grazing in some flat marshland in the preserved land on the west of the Highway.

Arrived in Anchorage and drove ‘round ‘til we found Murray’s bus departure point for Sunday morning. One more stop at REI for stuff, where the bike was given the once over by an Aussie working there, and it was on to Spenard. Checked in, sent a quick email, found out more about Igloo City and then caught a bus back to the Snow Goose.

Had the best seafood meal I’ve ever had; halibut stuffed with crabmeat in a parmesan sauce with garlic potatoes and fresh asparagus – god it was good. Left there and went to a lively bar, and then back to Humpies for a last pint. Excellent R&B band playing. Eventually left and caught a cab home.

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